Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sketchbook mobile painting from my iPhone

    MThis is a Sketchbook mobile painting from my iPhone. I was tinkering with a painting idea lately and didn't have have sketchbook with me or my watercolor sets. I decided to take my ideas into autodesk sketchbook mobile and armed with my trusty drawing stylus I began to paint this "work in progress painting of the crucifixion". I hope you like it this is what I was able to do on the last 15min of my lunch break today. 

      I hope to finish this and refine the painting and then just have it printed on high quality heavy pound paper in a large format. I have worked in this app before and will show not only the Jesus painting but a seascape I played around with. As you can see the app is pretty well versed as a layered painting program like photoshop ect... I have even designed some proof logos for a band I was trying to get a contract bid for work with called D_Hamma

Monday, August 20, 2012

My bro as a cartoon

     On the whim I felt like drawing a caricature today and I decided to select my brother for his especially animated features and expressions. I drew him in his element working at bobs sport shop. I think this was a fun exercise and this rough sketch will be the start of a fun piece I can give him as a gift. I wish someone would caricature me I would be thrilled to see the exaggerations. Caricatures are like and artist method not only of turning their subject into a stylized toon but also roasting them the way a comedian would roast their peers. Check out the shots bellow and compare to the actual photo let me know how I did

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Idea for an art show

     I have had this idea for a long time now to in the future host an art how at a gallery or an event space that would let me hang paintings and have an installation. My desire would be to have it benefit charities for mental health, mentoring, grief ect. I would like to call the show hope and dispair. I have a very vivid vision of the layout of the floor space, the paintings I would include, the music, ambience even the refreshments. 

     I would like to raffle or auction a piece to raise even more money beyond the ticket price to attend and food costs. The bellow images are some rough sketches for paintings that will see fruition. Before commenting please view with an open mind and realize I am ok and of sound mind and that art is personal but also meant to be shared. I liken it to a confession and a healing that is communicated in a universal language transcending barriers of culture and written words. Also mind that I have counter pieces which will be posted soon that tackle the subject of hope and joy and feature images of my faith and love ect. 

     Lastly I am perfectly happy with my life and have a beautiful amazing wife and daughter that are my inspiration, my muses, and my encouragement to pursue using my talents in art not only for my own personal benefit, career, and enjoyment, but also for God and to connect with others who need to be inspired and loved.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lewis Ginter Field paintings stage 1

Here are the quick observation sketch paintings I took the other day at the gardens

Monday, August 13, 2012

Field sketching and painting at Lewis Ginter

     Today me, my wife our daughter Lily, her bother Jeremy, sister-in-law Lacey, their daughter Madeline, new baby Juliette, cousin DeeDee, and DeeDee's son Noah all took a morning trip to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. This is such a lovely place for people of all ages to enjoy. There are lovely sites to see at every turn, and the garden is carried though the seasons of the year making for new surprises with each visit. I brought my portable water colors (a set called the cottman serried by winsor newton) a water-brush and a pencil to take quick studies and field sketches of the various flora an scenery. 

     The orchid room at the green house proved an excellent place filled with vibrant hues of all variety and exotic plants in so many shapes, size an complexities. As I walked around sketching and blocking in colors from my pain pots on to the pages I felt a joy I haven't experience with my art in some great while. It was wonderful being able to not tie myself down or time myself when recording observations of the subject matters I saw. Jeremy took many complex and wonderful shots of the great varieties of flowers in that room as well as on the kids playing in the children's garden and playhouses. 

     Noah and Madeline loved playing with him making up games and little club meetings racing around the paths. Even though I was only there for a brief time before work it was well worth the trip, and I feel it gave me a pleasant focus for the day. I will be posting the progressions of my watercolor studies from scratch to finish ASAP. Stay tuned thanks!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Work in progress Japanese garden watercolor

     I got this image in my head and just started sketching out the rough with a watercolor pencil. I have been working on this painting locking in sections of color and shape little by little on my lunch breaks and fifteens at work. It feels so calming to paint and i really needed that release today. I have been feeling so much joy since my daughter was born but at the same time tons of anxiety over things I cannot immediately impact like my current state of employment and my personal goals. 

     I know this much I am a starving artist and not in the literal sense. I starve for creativity and the connection I feel with my self when I paint or draw. One day I will be able to let that passion out but at present these little paintings help me feel reassured not to let my dreams or creativity die

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New paintings

     I recently took up watercolor painting again. I cannot believe how much I missed this paint medium as well as just winding down to paint in general. It is so therapeutic to hold a brush in my hand and be in a quiet peacefully solace. I love the way it allow me to remove stress and just breath. It has really brought me back to a passion for art and pulled me from the poison of being stuck on perfection. 

     I am painting with a pentel water brush and a cottman travel set of winsor newton field paints. I also have begun mixing in gauche and watercolor pencil. This freedom of field sketching and painting is amazing. I hope to soon practice some painting en plen air as the French say maybe at Lewis Ginter. Hope you like