Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Art Is Resistance

     I decided to dust off the old military surplus black jacket I had hanging up in my closet and use it for my latest bit of inspiration. A few years back when I was living with my roommates Daniel and Richard we all were super amped that Nine Inch Nails had released 5 new albums and other new projects when prior to that Trent Reznor and the band had been silent for many years. When the albums Year Zero and The Slip launched they came with an onslaught of political backstory, fictitious characters, and stories set in a future, post-apocalyptic totalitarian time period. 

     Daniel, Richard and myself all became highly interested in the way that the story harkened at warnings of what could happen in real life with war, terrorism, and big brother. As a symbol of support I fashioned an arm band for my coat with a DIY method of stencil screen printing to show off the Art is Resistance logo. In the Year Zero universe members of this front are similar to our current street artist Banksy, Space Invader, and Shepard Farley. They use urban guerrilla propaganda art, graffiti, poster/flyering, and viral media to spread the news of the uprising against a corrupt dictatorship. 

     I thought it would be cool to see what I could create using only my phone camera, along with the apps Sketchbook Mobile, and Photoshop Express Mobile. I wanted to design posters that looked similarly to what one would see at a Levi jeans department store or that would be close to the OBEY clothing line. Simple text and a raw unrefined feel. I really enjoyed this project and hope you do too feel free to comment and give feedback as well.