Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lewis Ginter Field paintings stage 1

Here are the quick observation sketch paintings I took the other day at the gardens


  1. Some of these are really awesome. The third one especially has a really solitary feel, and the leaves (branches? I don't know) look like spider legs, and the trunk (bamboo? I don't know) looks like a thorax on an ant, but when they all come together it takes on sort of a praying mantis shape. The whole shape of it seems like something that was supposed to be planted, and the very top petal looks like it's just about to fade out of the image. It's an interesting little sketch. And I like the one below it (and, I guess it's the first one) - it's a little bit waterlogged, a little bit faded, but it feels very purposeful, the way that the lines extend a certain amount beyond the paint in the two larger leaves and (in the first picture) the way the smaller petals seem faded as reflections. The more I look at it, actually, the more I like the first one.


    1. Hey thanks for the reply comment I really appreciate the feedback. Just wondering which Erick this is. The reason I ask is I intend on contacting those who have commented or contributed on my blog via email for further instructions on a personal reward piece of artwork. I would like to do this to show thanks as well as give my commenters a "Ryan Spitzer Original". Who knows maybe it will end up been worth something to you. Please email me your details subject line "I commented on your blog" and body email details to vashogunartist@gmail.con

    2. Erick B from RVA right ??? Sorry just don't want to give anybody's identity out online.
